NICE-ABPI Masterclass: Using non-randomised data to estimate treatment effects in NICE submissions

For those based in Boston, please look closely at the future meetings list: a 7 Dec 2018 BAARN meeting date has been announced.

Dear All: On 21 Nov 2018, the Decision Support Unit (DSU) of UK NICE and the ABPI are sponsoring a one-day workshop entitled “NICE/DSU/ABPI Masterclass: Using non-randomised data to estimate treatment effects in NICE submissions.”

As the antibacterial world is increasingly engaged with using relatively limited size datasets in settings where control data are also sometimes limited, I thought this looked fascinating and that some of us might want to attend. Although it will naturally have a NICE-specific angle, the observations from NICE would certainly have relevance elsewhere. Here’s the link for more details and here’s a bit of the further description you’ll find at that link:

This masterclass has been developed for those who are currently involved in developing submissions to the NICE technology appraisals programme.  It is suitable for those who are familiar with economic evaluation and the requirements of the NICE Guide to the Methods of Technology Appraisal.  It does not require any specific statistical knowledge but will assume that attendees are familiar with simple concepts like regression. This masterclass is an opportunity to hear directly from members of the NICE Decision Support Unit and other leading HTA experts on:

  • The features of non-RCT evidence that require particular consideration when estimating treatment effects
  • Which methods have been used to date in technology appraisals and how the Appraisal Committee’s have received these
  • The key features of the range of available methods
  • How to select methods from the menu of available options

All sessions will consist of a formal presentation followed by small group discussions centred around real-life examples. The day will also include information on the NICE Observational Data Unit.

All best wishes, –jr

John H. Rex, MD | Chief Medical Officer, F2G Ltd. | Expert-in-Residence, Wellcome Trust. Follow me on Twitter: @JohnRex_NewAbx. See past newsletters and subscribe for the future:

Opportunities of interest for the AMR community

  • 11 Oct 2018 deadline: Novo’s REPAIR Impact fund has re-opened for proposals during the window 4 Sep – 11 Oct. Read more and apply here.
  • 24 Oct 2018 deadline: IMI AMR Accelerator programme Pillar A within IMI Call 15: Capability-building network to manage the whole accelerator and strengthen AMR science. This is a two-stage call, with letter of intent from applicants expected on 24 Oct 2018.
  • 24 Oct 2018 deadline: IMI AMR Accelerator programme Pillar B: Tuberculosis drug development network within IMI Call 15: Tuberculosis drug development network to collaboratively progress TB compounds and validate new tools for TB drug development. This is a two-stage call, with letter of intent from applicants expected on 24 Oct 2018.
  • 24 Oct 2018 deadline: IMI Call 16: A series of individual programs where a single EFPIA partner works with a consortium to progress compounds for for TB, non-tuberculous mycobacteria, and Gram-negatives. This is a one-stage call, with full proposal from the EFPIA and applicant consortium expected on 24 Oct 2018.

Upcoming meetings of interest to the AMR community:

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