Potpourri: Help design ASM Microbe 2019; IACG consultancy; JLME issue on antibiotic incentives

Dear All: Three things today — see list below. And if you’ve not heard, it looks like REVAMP (the US pull incentive) is not going to make it into legislation. Frustrating! We’ll have to keep trying on this. Best wishes for the summer, –jr

  1. ASM Microbe 2019 has put out a call for session proposals. Deadline is 3 Aug 2018. They seek proposals for plenaries, symposia, workshops, etc.
  2. The UN Interagency Coordination Group on AMR (IACG) seeks a consultant who can analyze, synthesize, and summarize their work to date. The deadline for applications is 31 July 2018 and you’ll find more details below my signature.
  3. As a special supplement, the International Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics has just published a set of 10 papers laying out much the deeper background behind the conclusions from the work of both DRIVE-AB and the Duke-Margolis policy review effort. This is a fabulous and comprehensive summary and is entirely free to download!

John H. Rex, MD | Chief Medical Officer, F2G Ltd. | Expert-in-Residence, Wellcome Trust. Follow me on Twitter: @JohnRex_NewAbx. See past newsletters and subscribe for the future:

IACG Consultancy
Contract type: Consultancy
Application Deadline:31 July  2018
Contact: Rosalie Edma
Email address: edmar@who.int

Background: The UN Interagency Coordination Group on AMR (IACG) was established by the UN Secretary General following a UN General Assembly Resolution to provide practical guidance for approaches needed to ensure sustained effective global action to address antimicrobial resistance, including options to improve coordination, taking into account the global action plan on antimicrobial resistance. The WHO Strategic Initiatives Cluster provides the Secretariat for the IACG with contributions from FAO and OIE to facilitate the work and deliverables of the IACG through establishing and forging a partnership platform with governments, UN agencies, diplomatic missions, private sector and civil society. 

The IACG over the last year has taken forward work on critical issues through analysis and deliberation with particular focus on the following areas: public awareness, behaviour change and communication; National Action Plans; optimize use of antimicrobials; innovation, research, and development and improved access; surveillance and monitoring; and global governance post IACG and alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals. This work has led to the development of discussion papers which were posted for web-based public consultation. The IACG Secretariat received comments Member States, nongovernmental and civil society organizations, private sector entities, philanthropic foundations, academic institutions and individuals. The comment and feedback will be used to inform the development of the recommendations of the IACG and its final report and further enrich IACG discussions as it  enters into the critical phase of its functions. Further information is available at http://www.who.int/antimicrobial-resistance/interagency-coordination-group/public-consultation-discussion-papers/en/

Overall Objective of the consultancy:
Critical appraisal, analysis and systematic synthesis of the feedback obtained on the IACG discussion papers and facilitate the utility of the comments for informing the processes and deliverables of the IACG.

Deliverables of the consultancy:
The deliverables of the consultancy include the development of data organisation, synthesis and analysis protocol as well as an organised database of the information and summary report to inform the drafting of the recommendations and final report of the IACG.

Requirements for qualifications and experiences:
Essential qualification:
Post graduated university degree in public health, social science or relevant fields.
Essential experiences:
At least 7 years professional experience in public health policy analysis, research or implementation. Experience in One Health Approach of antimicrobial resistance and/or other relevant communicable disease programmes.
Grade and payment
P4 rate based on experience

If you are interested to apply, please send your CV and a maximum two pages of data synthesis and analysis approach proposal to edmar@who.int not later than 31 July 2018. This is a time sensitive assignment only candidates with strong proposal will be contacted.  

Upcoming meetings of interest to the AMR community:

  • 22-27 Jul 2018 (Bryant University, Smithfield, RI): Gordon Research Conference on Drug Resistance for Cancer, Infectious Disease and Agriculture
  • 7-8 Aug 2018: A pair of FDA Advisory Committees:
  • 21-22 Aug 2018 (FDA White Oak Campus, Silver Spring, MD): workshop entitled “Development of Non-Traditional Therapies for Bacterial Infections”. Meeting notice is here.
  • 21-22 Aug 2018 (Rockville, MD): NIAID-NINDS-DTRA workshop entitled “Infectious Disease in The CNS and Therapeutic Strategies to Cross the Blood-Brain Barrier”
  • 21-23 Aug 2018 (Cardiff, UK): BSAC Standardized Susceptibility Testing Residential Workshop. Register here.
  • [NEW] 26-29 Aug 2018 (Atlanta, GA): CDC’s International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases (ICEID). Register here.
  • [Don’t miss this one!] 4-7 Sep 2018 ESCMID-ASM Conference (#3) on Drug Development for AMR (Lisbon, Portugal). Full program is now posted.
  • 24-28 Sep 2018 (Big Sky, Montana): MSG-ERC (Mycoses Study Group) Biennal meeting
  • 3-7 Oct 2018 (San Francisco): ID Week
  • 6-14 Oct 2018 International Course on Antibiotics and Resistance (ICARe, Les Pensières, Annecy, France) 
  • 26 Oct 2018 (London): EMA information day for SMEs: “Regulatory toolbox for medicines and combined devices developers”. Here is the current agenda. Webcast will be available. More details from sme@ema.europa.eu.
  • 7-9 Nov 2018 (Seville, Spain): Better Methods for Clinical Studies in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology: A Hands-on Workshop
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