WHO 2020 clinical/preclinical pipeline review; Chat with WHO’s Peter Beyer

Dear All, WHO have today updated their 2019 clinical/preclinical pipeline review by releasing their 2020 analyses of both the clinical and pre-clinical antibacterial product pipelines (the new 2020 report, the press release). Their 2020 review of antibacterial products in Phase 1 and beyond covers both traditional (n = 43) and non-traditional products (n = 27)

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WHO-UNEP-FAO-OIE Youth Engagement Working Group on AMR: Apply now!

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world…” — Nelson Mandela Dear All, Regular readers will know my interest in developing the ecosystem of people who will work to address AMR over time (e.g., this interview with the founder of the Future Leaders Against AMR, my strong support for the

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Implementation Handbook on National Action Plans from WHO

Dear All, Continuing on the theme of helping countries develop their own national action plans, WHO released the “WHO implementation handbook for national action plans on antimicrobial resistance: guidance for the human health sector“. The handbook has some great infographics like the one below and will shortly be translated into French, Spanish, and Russian. There

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WHO Bacterial Priority Pathogen List (PPL): 2024 update

Dear All, WHO have just released a 2024 update to their 2017 (bacterial) Priority Pathogen List (PPL)! Here are the links you need: The WHO 2024 PPL. WHO’s webpage about the 2024 PPL. A PowerPoint (.pptx) deck (and there is also a .pdf version) summarizing the new PPL and all prior PPLs. 22 May 2024 post-newsletter

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WHO Seeking Antifungal Resistance Fighting Consultant Located Anywhere!

Note: Please use the copy of the newsletter posted at if you have trouble with links in this newsletter. Dear All, WHO have just today posted a very interesting fungus-focused consultancy role. Even if you’re not looking for a role yourself, it is instructive to examine the goals for this role as it gives you some

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EU Council Recommendation adopted! But what does it mean?

Dear All, During their recent turn to hold the EU presidency (1 Jan to 30 Jun 2023), the Swedes have steadily pushed AMR as one of their top priorities. As part of this, Sweden used their most recent presidency to release a motion to adopt a Council Recommendation on fighting AMR. Here are the parallel links that

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The road to UNGA 2024: Global action on AMR!

Dear All, Greetings from ECCMID 2023 in Copenhagen! The days are busy, but last night we had a joint session between ECCMID and the Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (GLG) entitled “Forging partnerships between science and policy: A high-level Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) event” had an excellent scientific program focused on prevention and use of diagnostics, but

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WHO 2017 BPPL Survey, ENABLE-2 Call, OHE summary of NHS pilot

Dear All, A key theme of all discussions on Pull incentives is that substantial rewards should go only to molecules with high medical value. We’re still learning to define the idea of high value and today’s newsletter brings together 3 threads that feed into this conversation:  First, we have the idea a priority pathogen list.

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WHO 2023 Pipeline Update: Share Your Preclinical Antibacterial Projects!

Dear All, As you know, WHO updates their preclinical and clinical pipeline summaries at regular intervals. The most current reviews are summarized on These excellent summaries are invaluable for researchers of all types and are also used to inform policy work. There is now a call to for current information on antibacterial pre-clinical projects. Go here

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WHO AWaRe antibiotic handbook released!

Dear All, WHO have now released the first version of an antibiotic handbook based specifically on their AWaRe scheme (Access, Watch, Reserve). Here are the links you need: Press release: https://www.who.int/news/item/09-12-2022-moving-who-guidance-on-antibiotics-into-the-heart-of-clinical-practice Book: https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/365237 Just the infographics from the book: https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/365135 We’ve known this was coming based on the draft EML (Essential Medicines List) Antibiotic handbook

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