Language matters: CRE vs. CPE; SDD vs. I; and MDR, XDR, PDR, UDR vs. DTR

Note: See also these related newsletters: 13 Jan 2019 (link) on DTR as part of the language of resistance and 7 June 2020 (link) on using DTR to estimate antibiotic value. There is also a 5-minute DTR explainer on YouTube that you might find useful. Dear All (wonk-ish note alert!), Three technical points for your consideration

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FDA workshop: Animal models to support antibacterial development (5 Mar 2020)

Dear All (moderately long note alert; be sure to note the new list of funding opportunities just below my signature), FDA have announced a public workshop on 5 Mar 2020 to discuss progress and challenges in the development and advancement of various animal models for serious infection. The Federal Register notice is here and registration is here.

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NIAID workshop: What is a robust PK-PD package?

Dear All: The ~150 of us who gathered in Washington yesterday and today for the NIAID’s PK-PD workshop enjoyed a very rich conversation. It’s really hard to capture the full debate, but here is a brief slide set and as well a written summary of the meeting that provide the main points. More materials can be found online at this

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Real-time continuous in vivo drug monitoring

Dear All:  I recently became aware of a technology for real-time continuous in vivo monitoring of drug levels that I thought worth sharing with the broader community. Although we’ve for many years had continuous measures of analytes such as glucose or oxygen where simple chemistry gave a suitable measurement tool, measurement of arbitrary analytes has

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PK measures in space and time: Summary of high-resolution methods

Dear All:  I recently sent around discussions of ways to measure/estimate drug concentrations both in living animals (aptamer-based probes, Kevin Plaxco’s group) and with sufficient spatial resolution to permit construction of 2d/3d drug concentration maps (MALDI-MSI, David Perlin’s group). In the context of our efforts to learn to better apply PK-PD (e.g., the 14-15 June 2017 NIAID PK-PD workshop),

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