EU Joint Action on AMR & Health-Care Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI): Passing the DRIVE-AB torch?

Dear All:

Recently announced is a new EU Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) & Health-Care Associated Infections (HCAI). Its acronym is EU-JAMRAI and the website is

Joint actions are a common tool for coordinating implementation activities across Europe. EU-JAMRAI actually started in September 2017 and will run for three years but it is really launching itself now into the public eye with a website and newsletter. EU-JAMRAI has nine work packages (WPs, the full list is found below my signature).

Why does this matter? The bulk of EU-JAMRAI’s activity will focus on ensuring that solid national action plans exist in EU member states. But of great interest to the R&D community, it appears that WP9 (led by France and Norway) will be looking at pull incentives for Europe. To my eye, this is a very exciting development: With DRIVE-AB having come to an end with release of its final report, there is definitely a need for the torch to pass to a new group that can carry this work forward.

So, check out their website and subscribe to their newsletter! The link to subscribe to the newsletter is in the middle of the JAMRAI homepage (look just above the picture of the pigs) and unfortunately is structured so that I can’t put a copy of the signup link here.

All best wishes, –jr

John H. Rex, MD | Chief Medical Officer, F2G Ltd. | Expert-in-Residence, Wellcome Trust. Follow me on Twitter: @JohnRex_NewAbx. See past newsletters and subscribe for the future:

The Work Packages of EU-JAMRAI

  • Four WPs focus on project coordination, dissemination/communication of results, and evaluation of progress (WPs 1, 2, 3, and 8).
  • Two of the WPs (4 & 5) focus on implementation of One Health national strategies and national action plans.
  • WP6 seeks to create and implement policies to prevent HCAI
  • WP7 will create a database of current guidelines for antibiotic stewardship in animals & man
  • WP9 work seeks to ensure that national processes for R&D are coordinated with the One Health Approach. This WP will also explore mechanisms to increase innovation, including exploration of Pull incentives.

Upcoming meetings of interest to the AMR community:


HLM on AMR at UNGA: The end of the beginning

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UN TV: You can watch the AMR High-Level Meeting at UNGA

Dear All, The AMR HLM (High-Level Meeting) at the UN General Assembly starts at 10a ET today.  You can watch it here on UN TV: Addendum: It’s available for replay at that same link. See also the 1 Oct 2024 newsletter for a review of the HLM. All best wishes, –jr John H. Rex, MD

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