Duke-Margolis & FDA: Workshop on stats & methods for rare diseases

Dear All:

Duke-Margolis and FDA have now announced a 19 Mar 2018 workshop entitled Utilizing Innovative Statistical Methods and Trial Designs in Rare Disease Drug Development (FR notice). Here’s the teaser from the web: “Convened by the Duke-Robert J. Margolis, MD, Center for Health Policy at Duke University and supported by a cooperative agreement with FDA, this public event will bring the stakeholder community together to discuss the challenges that rare disease settings pose for treatment development and regulatory decision-making, as well as the promising study designs and analytical methods that can help overcome them. The day’s discussion will center around novel approaches to trial design and analysis to improve efficiency and interpretability of results in rare disease trials.”

Note how neatly this fits with their previously announced 16 April 2018 1-day workshop on inclusion and exclusion criteria in clinical trials (corresponding FR notice): “The purpose of the public meeting is to bring the stakeholder community together to discuss a variety of topics related to eligibility criteria in clinical trials and their potential impact on patient access to investigational drugs, and how to facilitate the enrollment of a diverse patient population.” 

This is great to see! While neither of these two is specifically focused on AMR-related issues, the applicability to our trial design issues should be obvious. Unfortunately, I am probably going to miss both workshops but I hope that at least a few of you will get there, especially for the 19 Mar workshop on statistical design. If you do go, I’d love to share what you learned with the newsletter community … please let me know!

All best wishes, –jr

John H. Rex, MD | Chief Medical Officer, F2G Ltd. | Expert-in-Residence, Wellcome Trust. Follow me on Twitter: @JohnRex_NewAbx. See past newsletters and subscribe for the future:

Upcoming meetings of interest to the AMR community:


EPA (part 5): Interagency Framework on AMR Risks of Antibacterial and Antifungal Pesticides

This is the fifth of a 5-part newsletter series. There is an initial 27 Sep 2023 newsletter introducing the EPA concept note, a second (28 Sep 2023) newsletter that expands on the EPA concept note, a third (12 Jan 2024) newsletter about ending the use of streptomycin spray on citrus crops, and a 4th newsletter (27 Jan 2024) containing some additional resources. Dear All, Excitingly, the US EPA

HLM on AMR at UNGA: The end of the beginning

Aside: Please refer to our UNGA 2024 webpage for additional post-HLM notes and updates. Dear All (and with thanks to Damiano for co-authoring), Last week in NYC, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) and all its surrounding activities created a lot of energy (not to mention a giant traffic jam)! After a series of side meetings

Without action, AMR costs go from $66b to $159b/yr by 2050

Dear All, A new paper from Anthony McDonnell and a team led by the Center for Global Development extends estimates of the health-related impact of AMR (e.g., death) to a consideration of the economic ($) cost of AMR. To follow the plot, here are the links you will need: The new paper: “Forecasting the Fallout

UN TV: You can watch the AMR High-Level Meeting at UNGA

Dear All, The AMR HLM (High-Level Meeting) at the UN General Assembly starts at 10a ET today.  You can watch it here on UN TV: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k11/k11knc6w2t Addendum: It’s available for replay at that same link. See also the 1 Oct 2024 newsletter for a review of the HLM. All best wishes, –jr John H. Rex, MD

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