13-19 Nov 2017: Handle (antibiotics) with Care! — World Antibiotic Awareness Week

​Dear All: This is your heads-up about next week’s World Antibiotic Awareness Week. Themed “Learn how to handle antibiotics with care,” this is the third in a series of annual WHO-driven World Antibiotic Awareness Weeks (prior ones are in this archive). I’ll confess that I had overlooked this event until I was reminded about it just today and I thought it was worth sharing with this group. A quick survey shows that there are national-level activies around the world during this week: US CDCWHO/EuropeReACT-led workshops in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Ecuador),  Australia & NZ (this link and pages N12-15 of this .pdf), … and hopefully many more!

If you want to take advantage of this event, note that the WHO website has a lot great materials, including some really clever animated .gifs and an online educational game


All best wishes, –jr

John H. Rex, MD | Chief Medical Officer, F2G Ltd. | Expert-in-Residence, Wellcome Trust. Follow me on Twitter: @JohnRex_NewAbx. See past newsletters and subscribe for the future:

Upcoming meetings of interest to the AMR community:


HLM on AMR at UNGA: The end of the beginning

Dear All (and with thanks to Damiano for co-authoring), Last week in NYC, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) and all its surrounding activities created a lot of energy (not to mention a giant traffic jam)! After a series of side meetings designed to build momentum, we reached the Thursday 26 Sep High-Level Meeting (HLM) on AMR

Without action, AMR costs go from $66b to $159b/yr by 2050

Dear All, A new paper from Anthony McDonnell and a team led by the Center for Global Development extends estimates of the health-related impact of AMR (e.g., death) to a consideration of the economic ($) cost of AMR. To follow the plot, here are the links you will need: The new paper: “Forecasting the Fallout

UN TV: You can watch the AMR High-Level Meeting at UNGA

Dear All, The AMR HLM (High-Level Meeting) at the UN General Assembly starts at 10a ET today.  You can watch it here on UN TV: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k11/k11knc6w2t Addendum: It’s available for replay at that same link. See also the 1 Oct 2024 newsletter for a review of the HLM. All best wishes, –jr John H. Rex, MD

PACE: A £5m funding round for diagnostics

Dear All, The peri-UNGA week is generating a lot of activity! Having about a year ago launched a £30m fund for support of AMR innovation with a call for therapeutic projects (30 Oct 2023 newsletter; I am told that awards will be announced soon), PACE (Pathways to Antimicrobial Clinical Efficacy, a joint project of LifeArc,

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